Friday, August 19, 2011

Highest Paid Movie Director

Movies are not successful without a multi-talented and creative director to do all the stuff involves in making the film a spectacular one. There are numerous successful and well-paid directors behind every successful film. If actors and actresses are having awards, best directors are best awarded too.
James Francis Cameron is one of the famous film director, film producer, screenwriter, editor, and inventor. He has done lots of film that makes it on top when it comes to income and fame. He is still working on great movies on the next years to come. He is a dedicated director of his time.

Most Followed Artist in Twitter - Lady Gaga

Twitter, twitter, twitter! This is the place where famous celebrities all over the world are hanging out, and update their followers about the latest events of their famous lives. Being famous can help you gain more followers in twitter, that is why almost of the celebrities are on twitter. Tops them all is one and only LADY GAGA of the world. She is so hot, fabulous, unique and so GAGA over performing her music. She ruled the twitter world with over ten million followers. She may seem so bold that many people do not like her but they can't help but listen to her butt lifting songs. It may seem so awkward for the oldies but how they can stop the youngsters to love her?

Lady Gaga got some guts no one has!

Her Latest Song 

Love her or hate her, she is still Lady Gaga who got some unique sense of everything you can't think of.

Top Two Most Popular Music Artists on Facebook

Have you ever wondered how does it feel without music? No one can imagine a life without music because even the start of time, music is here. It is already part of each and everybody's life. When music has and always been part of our lives how about Facebook? Are you one of Facebook addict? Everyday millions are online several times a day on it, especially the youth. If you wanted to get in touch with your favorite music star they are just a "like" away to get alerts and be updated on what they are up to, everyday.

Top Two Most Popular Music Artists on Facebook


Eminem, there are many people criticizing him but he is too good to be true. Although most of the lyrics of his songs are vulgar it is still full of lessons that make people realize the reality. He tops it all, he is number one on Facebook with over 43.8 million likes.


Rihanna got 41.2 million likes on Facebook and no one can question her being famous. Some may dislike her but they can't just resist what she can do when she performs.


Top Five Box Office Movies 2011

This year there are many movies that make it big to the box office and earned big. There competition on the top ranking movies but there exists the best of them that makes more money.

Top Five Box Office Movies 2011

Rise of the Planet of Apes

This movie gross over $105,208,226 according to the USA box office returns. It hits the box office and mostly seen on 3D. It is one of the best movies of this year seen in 3D.

The Help

This movie is best for family especially women and mothers. It makes about $35,918,416 cumulative box office. They did it to the box office this year. It is the one of the movies which gives more lessons and that the staff did great to make it a spectacular one.

Final Destination

This movie was so awesome and hit the box office despite of many movies that emerge this year. It earned over $18,031,396 according to USA cumulative box office.

The Smurfs

This movie is great for family time, it is fun and surely the whole family especially children love.  It earned $101,778,741 from its showing and that it stands with other great movies this year. 

30 Minutes or  Less

It completes the top five box office movies hits this year, 2011 and earned $13,330,118. 

Biggest Movie Stars 2011

This year there are different new movies emerge and each has its own power to rule the world. Movies that earned millions a day and movie stars that make it spectacular and surely the audience would love.

Here is the top movie stars of 2011

Natalie Portman

 She did it great with the black swan. It was a bloody performance that makes her a bet in the best actress award.

Justine Timberlake

He made it big this year and it all marks him as one of the best actor of the generation. He is so great once he had the role and that he gives every effort he can to make every of his acting spectacular.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp have been to many roles in the movies and he is just so awesome. He is a superstar and dominates the box office for year.

Olivia Wilde

She did it in the last quarter of 2010 and was identified in her worth as an actress. She starred as the only girl in the cowboys and that the spotlight was into her.